I’m thrilled to announce that my new YA novel, How to Tend a Grave, will be published by Great Plains Teen Fiction in Spring 2012. I’ll be working with the awesome editor Anita Daher. The book features two grieving teens who meet in a cemetery and … well, more about all that another day.
In honour of signing the contract I decided I needed a new website and blog.
For the past year, while How to Tend a Grave was out looking for a publisher, I’ve been working on my first historical YA novel. Set in 1868, it made me more concerned with my protagonist’s hand-written letters in pen and ink than in figuring out how to use Facebook or Twitter. But now that the manuscript is finished and under consideration, it’s time for me to return to the present and catch up with social media.
I find the Internet amazing but scary. Like many writers, I’m worried I’ll be so distracted by what’s out there that I’ll never write anything but blog posts and tweets again. Still, the chance to connect with the online reading and writing community proved impossible to resist. So here I am.
Many thanks to Crystal Stranaghan for designing my new website and explaining so patiently how everything works. Also to Debbie Ohi for her wonderful Writer’s Guide to Twitter, and to Shrinking Violet Promotions for their very helpful blog and Online Persona Workshop for introverts. I highly recommend them all.
Yay for you!
I can also post a blog on my website, and have made a couple of entries. But I’m so lax about stuff like that.
How the heck does one develop a following?
Thanks Deb. I’m really pleased that I’ve taken this step to create more of an online presence. I’ve been told that blogging is a good way to develop a following, because you can engage in a conversation with readers and writers.
Hi Jocelyn! What do you mean, “meet in a cemetery and…” I want to hear more! Congrats on your new contract and your new site!
I mean to make you want to read the book!!!
Hi Jocelyn: Many congrats on your sale!! And yes, the internet can be scary but there are lots of friendly people too. Welcome to the cyber world. Just remember to have fun! 🙂
Congrats on your sale too! Looks like we’ll both have a book with GP next spring! Maybe we can do some promo together.
We should definitely think about what we can do as Spring 2010 authors for GP. I also know an Ottawa writer – Brenda Hammond who is debuting her YA next spring with GP. She’s on twitter @brendahammond I believe.
Yes, let’s figure something out. Maybe a group launch in Toronto? I’m back from BC in May – unless that would be too late?